Turn your income into a consistent paycheque without starting another side hustle

Your 5-phase framework for building a profitable investment portfolio that can replace your income so you can take that dream vacation or quit that soul-sucking job!


Imagine this...

Your debt balance is zero, your nest egg is secure, and you're about to go on a one-year sabbatical touring your favourite countries.

And you did this without:


Tapping into your home equity


Purchasing a rental property



Working a side hustle  


Sounds like a dream, right?...

But your current situation sounds more like this:

✓  You're a career professional or solopreneur earning a high income but have nothing to show for it, and you want to build assets that reflect your success.

✓  You're unfulfilled and burnt out at work, but you're scared to leave because it's your dream role, and you have no income to fall back on. 

✓  You're worried you might not experience a full life because you feel guilty spending on things you enjoy, and your financial security is bleak.

✓  You've been searching for ways to earn income without working, so you can start checking off the countries on your bucket list.

✓  You've had this lifelong dream of retiring your parents and investing for your kids, but how is all of that going to happen when you haven't even started investing for your own retirement?

✓  You're worried you're late in the game and your dreams will never materialize.

Did I hit a nerve?...

Well, that's because I was in the same position not too long ago

I spent my 20's getting my Master's degree and job hopping because I thought I needed a six-figure engineering job to find fulfillment.

I landed my dream role, which was all rosy at first, but I quickly realized I lacked joy.

I wanted to get out of the rat race, but there was one problem: I was in $47,000 of debt and had no assets or alternative source of income to fall back on. 

Every piece of financial advice I came across said you had to become debt-free before investing, and you should hold your investments for 30+ years.

I knew I didn't have 30 more years left in me to give to the corporate world, so I created my unique Goal-based Investing framework that helped me pay off debt and kiss corporate goodbye.

It has allowed me to retire my parents, pursue my dream of running my business and serve in a way that fulfills me and build assets that pay for my goals and have me set for life.

Here's the truth:

Investing is the simplest way to exit the rat race

Even if you love your job or business, it still takes time and energy to earn income. If you don't show up, you don't get paid.

Investing in the stock market requires:

âś“Little time

✓Minimal effort

âś“Small capital (you can start with $100, yes, for real!)

âś“Little to no maintenance

And can help you:

🎉Make your 9-5 optional

🎉Take a year off from your business

🎉Secure your nest egg and

🎉Fund that dream house or vacation.


"I quit a job that was affecting my health and booked my first vacation to Atlanta."

Sherrian, student of SMD

"My kids and I are set for life!"

Veronique, student of smd

"I maxed out my Roth IRA for the first time and Invested $30,000 in one year!

Abenna, student of smd


A 5-phase game plan designed to help you achieve your financial goals and become set for life by building a profitable investment portfolio.


Implementation based

A no-fluff, self-paced, online implementation course designed to get you to take action so you can be one step closer to hitting your financial goals.


Worksheets and cheatsheets

Get access to the STACK MY DIME GAME PLAN, a powerful tool to help you create an investment plan, calculate your investment goals, determine your asset allocation and keep track of your investments.


Private community

Get access to a private community of people on a similar journey; to celebrate your wins and hold you accountable.


Lifetime Access

Get lifetime access to course materials as well as any updates.

Here's your roadmap to consistent income from your investments

5-Phase framework:

To earn consistent income from your investments, you need a strategy that will allow you to yield maximum profit, reduce your risk and earn income without doing any work. In the STACK MY DIME BLUEPRINT, I show you exactly how to do this using my unique Goal-based Investing framework, which includes these five phases:


You need an investment plan specific to your WHY and your goals. Then create a strategy to front-load your retirement.



You need a strategy to build a solid foundational investment portfolio to help achieve your goals.


You need to protect your investment from losses, save on taxes and reduce fees so you can keep your gains to yourself.


You need income and growth investments to maximize your profits and income so you can get paid without doing any work.


You need a withdrawal strategy to get paid without a big tax hit.

So you can go from:


âś— No nest egg

âś— Ladden with debt

âś— Burnt-out and stuck at a job you hate

✗ Wanting to burn your business down every quarter

âś— No time to travel

âś— Feeling guilty about spending your hard-earned money

To this:

âś“ Nest egg secure by 40

âś“ 100% debt-free

✓ Make your 9-5  optional

✓ Take an extended sabbatical to rest and enjoy life

âś“ Travel at the drop of a hat

âś“ Spend unapologetically and live your B.E.S.T life

Here's what you'll learn

Your game plan to a consistent paycheque

My promise to you:

By the end of this course, you will have...

✓  Created a plan to front-load your investments, so you don't have to worry about retirement for the next 30+ years.

✓  A profitable investment strategy tailored to your goals, so you don't have to wait until you're 65 to start enjoying your life.

✓  A plan to pay off debt while investing, so you can become debt-free without delaying wealth.

✓  Purchased your first investment and be one step closer to getting paid while you sleep.

✓  Reduced your investment fees to <0.5% to keep your gains to yourself.

✓  Scheduled your first dividend payment so you can earn income without breaking a sweat.

✓  Confidently purchased your first stock so the mega-corporations can make you money.

✓  Set up your withdrawal buckets so you can start getting those consistent cheques and book that trip!

"This course is really all you need to get your finances, investing and retirement together because it literally has everything you need to be successful."

Sarah, student of SMD

"The course is truly complete: once you follow this course, there is no need to follow any other. The resources are amazing!"

Veronique, student of SMD

The SMD course and bonuses are packed with resources valued at






This is for BEGINNERS and the PASSIVE investor who wants a set-it-and-forget-it approach to investing

  • Build a foundational investment portfolio of Index Funds/ETFs
  • Calculate your retirement numbers
  • How to choose a registered account
  • What to look for in a brokerage
  • Calculate your Risk Score™
  • Calculate your Asset Allocation
  • The building blocks of a F.I.R.M™ portfolio
  • The types of ETFs you should have in your portfolio
  • What to look for when choosing an ETF
  • Purchase your first ETF
  • Access to Plan + Package Phases
  • Access to Modules 1-4
  • Access to the SMD GAME PLAN (spreadsheet)
  • Cheatsheet and worksheets
  • Student-run private community
  • Bonus #1: Cashflow Queen
  • Bonus #2: Pay off my dime 




This is for the INTERMEDIATE and ACTIVE investor who wants a hands-on approach to investing

  • Build a growth and income investment portfolio of ETFs, stocks and dividends
  • Calculate your retirement numbers
  • How to choose a registered account
  • What to look for in a brokerage
  • Calculate your Risk Score™
  • Calculate your Asset Allocation
  • The building blocks of a F.I.R.M™ portfolio
  • The types of ETFs you should have in your portfolio
  • What to look for when choosing an ETF
  • Purchase your first ETF
  • How to choose dividend paying stocks
  • How to analyze stocks
  • Understand the stock market trends and cycles to minimize risk
  • How to invest in crypto
  • How to plan your exit from the workforce as you approach retirement
  • Access to Plan + Package + Protect + Profit + Payday
  • Access to Modules 1-11
  • Access to the SMD GAME PLAN (spreadsheet)
  • Cheatsheet and worksheets
  • Student-run private community 
  • Bonus #1: Cashflow Queen
  • Bonus #2: Pay off my dime
  • Bonus #3: Switch your Mutual Funds
  • Bonus #4: First 100K STACK

"I don't regret the amount I invested in this course. It's nothing compared to what I'm earning in terms of knowledge, security and peace of mind." - Sherrian

And there is more!

When you enroll, you'll also get these awesome bonuses:


Cashflow Queen

Learn the strategies I used to go from barely saving to saving 48% of my take-home pay.


Pay off my dime

Learn the strategies I used to pay off $47,000 of debt in 20 months and how you can pay off debt while investing.


Switch your Mutual Funds

Learn how to switch your Mutual Fund to an Index Fund or ETF while avoiding fees.

Meet your teacher

Hi, I'm Eduek

I'm an Engineer turned money nerd obsessed with seeing women win with money.

I'm the founder of Two Sides of Dime, a platform dedicated to equipping women with the tools they need to gain financial autonomy and become set for life.

I believe money is a tool meant to serve us, not the other way around.

I teach my students to use money to increase their life satisfaction by investing in assets and using income from their assets to spend on things they love.

I've helped women pay off thousands of debt, negotiate higher wages, and become confident, self-directed investors with maxed-out investment accounts, all while booking trips and living their best life.

But I haven't always had this money stuff figured out

I didn't start investing until my late 20's. As a result, I spent everything I earned and racked up $47,000 in debt.

Then I got laid off with no savings and this mountain of debt.

I resolved to turn my finances around, which lit up the fire in me to help other women do the same.

I am now debt-free and created an investment portfolio that allowed me to retire my parents and quit my six-figure engineering job to focus on my passion of helping you win with money.

The world of finances and investing can be daunting, and I have been navigating this space for nearly a decade.

I have made costly mistakes, but I finally got it right. This is why I created my signature course, STACK MY DIME BLUEPRINT, so you will be equipped with the proper framework you need to get it right the first time and spend less time worrying about your finances and more time enjoying your life.

This is possible for you too

Your path to your becoming set for life


Join SMD 2.0

Click the enrollment button and follow the checkout steps. In minutes, you'll get an email with your login details.


Take Action

Dive into the content and take action. Can’t start right away? It's okay, you have lifetime access to the course.


Join the community

Join the Stackers community where you will find like minded women on the same journey as you to celebrate your wins, help you in areas you feel stuck and hold you accountable.



Our money-back guarantee

Try SMD for 7 days, risk-free

I'm confident that the STACK MY DIME BLUEPRINT is the only investing course you'll ever need, and it will give you a clear game plan to build an investment portfolio that you can retire on. However, I understand that life gets in the way sometimes, and it might not be the right fit or timing.

Refund requests submitted within 7 days of purchase will be *refunded (after processing fees).

Because this is a value-packed program with instant access to multiple resources from Day one, refund requests submitted after 7 days of enrollment will not be eligible for a refund.

*Please note that we charged a non-refundable fee by Stripe to process your initial payment, so this fee will be deducted from your refund. If you aren't sure if this course is the right fit for you, send an email to [email protected] and I can answer all your questions.

This is for you if:

âś“  You want to become a self-directed investor.

âś“  You want a self-paced course.

âś“  You're ready to take action NOW.

âś“ You want to grow wealth through the stock market

âś“ You're a beginner with no clue where to start or an intermediate investor who needs a better strategy

âś“ You live in Canada, US, UK or Australia.

This is not for you if:

âś— You want someone to invest on your behalf.

âś— You need private coaching (choose private coaching option)

âś— You're not ready to put in the work

âś— You want to invest in real estate or start a business.

âś— You're an expert with extensive knowledge and a strategy already working for you.

âś— You live outside Canada, US, UK or Australia.


"I quit my part-time job, paid off $20,000 of debt in 1 year, and went on my first vacation without getting into debt."

I used to have a part-time job, working overnight for 3-4 nights a week. As a result, I had back pain, affecting my overall health.

I was able to quit that job, pay off $20,000 of debt in 1 year, and go on my first vacation without getting into debt.

I don't want to be grinding 9-5 or have a second job. I want to have multiple streams of income. I want to be reading a book and know I'm earning.

I don't want to work to pay bills. My priorities are retirement and travel. So it's all about the Ease and Increase for me.

I don't regret the amount I invested in this course. It's nothing compared to what I'm earning in terms of knowledge, security and peace of mind.

Thank you for the community you created; it's been impactful and literally life-changing.

Sherrian, student of SMD

"In one year, I invested $30,000 and have a fully funded Emergency Fund'!"

I started working with Eduek because I wanted to learn about Financial Independence, and as an immigrant, her content resonated with me.

Her class made investing so practical and beginner-friendly; at the end of it, I knew exactly what I needed to do.

Since working with Eduek, I have invested a total of $30,000.

I maxed out my Roth IRA for 2021, and 2022 is halfway done. I also invested $20,000 in my 401K.

I am grateful I went with the game plan she created for me. As a result, I now understand what I'm doing, how I'm doing it and how to keep doing it.

Thank you for creating this community; you are helping people like me who have zero idea and bringing us to a space where we know exactly what we're doing.

Abenaa, student of SMD

"I was so excited when I received my first dividend payment and to see my money working for me. My goal is to have my investments pay my bills at retirement!"

I took the SMD course because I wanted to know the right investments to choose.

The course was very detailed and clarified what I needed to do next.

I'm confident in my investment options and no longer follow trends.

I received my first dividends and was excited to see my money working for me.

I'm currently investing for my kids, and my goal is to have my investments pay for my bills in retirement.

Veronique, student of SMD

"Prior, I had a Robo-advisor, but the course gave me the confidence to invest in my first four ETFs!"

Before taking the SMD course, I was struggling with how to create a diversified investment portfolio and how to plan my portfolio for retirement.

The course clarified everything and helped me build a robust portfolio.

I also have a plan for how to transition smoothly into retirement.

The STACK MY DIME BLUEPRINT is comprehensive, and each lesson answered any prior questions I had.

Before taking this course, I had a Robo-advisor, but the course gave me the confidence to open an RRSP and purchase my first four ETFs.

I appreciate the course and am happy that I bought it because it will pay dividends figuratively and literally.

Sarah, student of SMD

Ready to live your B.E.S.T life?

Every day you delay investing will end up costing you more money, and you'll have to spend more time in the rat race or remain in an unpleasant situation that you badly want to escape.

I have designed the Goal-Based Investing framework to help you get unstuck and give you the option to walk away from anything that no longer serves you.


You might have a few questions


You deserve to give this type of testimony!


Real talk, my friend

It's time to take control of your wealth and freedom.

No one is coming to save you.

The simplest way to build wealth is by investing. However, investing in your goals is the most efficient way to build wealth.

The STACK MY DIME BLUEPRINT is not a magic pill, and I'm not promising you'll be rich overnight. 

But what I guarantee is that when you invest in your goals:

âś“  You can walk away from any job or situation that no longer serves you.
âś“  Your money nightmares will be a thing of the past.
âś“  You can spend time doing the things you love without jeopardizing your financial security

Your B.E.S.T life awaits you, but the question is, are you ready for it?



All material, spreadsheets, cheat sheets and securities shared or mentioned in the STACK MY DIME BLUEPRINT, workshop, website or newsletter are for educational and informational purposes only and not to be construed as financial, legal or tax advice. I am not a licensed Financial Advisor. Investing in the stock market has its own risks and returns are not always guaranteed.

Read the full Terms of Service here